Call Deflection: A Strategie to Delight Your Customers

What is call deflection?

Call deflection is a strategy to reroute some of your customer support calls to other digital channels like SMS, live chat, email or messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Call deflection, contrary to its name, isn't about avoiding customer calls. Instead, it's a strategic redirection.

Call deflection is the process of reducing the number of incoming customer service calls. The goal of call deflection is to help customers get the solution they need while minimizing the load on customer service agents.

When an agent is on a customer call, it takes 100% of their energy and focus. This is true for basic customer queries and advanced, complex issues alike. That’s why customer calls are considered high-touch customer support. Call deflection helps you make sure the calls that do come through can’t be handled any other way.

Alternative ways to help your customers before they call your customer support are:

  • Mid-touch customer support: live chat, SMS, WhatsApp Business. 
  • Low-touch customer support: self-serve solutions like knowledge bases, in-app guides, interactive onboarding

WhatsApp Chatbot

Companies can interact with customers via greeting messages, quick replies, and business profiles by simply using Bicomm WhatsApp Business Integration.

Engage with customers wherever they are

With just a simple click of the button, you can quickly text blast to your entire contact list sending text messages effortlessly. Text messaging has proved to be the most effective form of communication, with an amazing 98% read rate within three minutes of receiving a text message. 

SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is the most cost-efficient & environmentally friendly channel to put your brand forward to an active audience. Leverage the power of SMS as part of your marketing strategy to boost conversions and spark direct conversations about your brand.

Create personalized messages

Personalize SMS messages by using segmentation and dynamically adding individual contact attributes such as first or last name, company name, or other information you have for your contacts.

Stay on top of your performance

Monitor the performance of your SMS campaigns with key engagement metrics to know what works and what you can improve! Identify problems in real time for transactional SMS messages using real-time deliverability reporting and engagement statistics.

Text messaging marketing has never been easier

Businesses and organizations of all sizes are switching to Texted power their important SMS and MMS text message marketing needs.

Retail Text Marketing

School SMS Text Messaging

Sales SMS Text Marketing

SMS Appointment Reminders

Restaurant Text Marketing

Lead Generation SMS

Enterprise Text Messaging

Nonprofit SMS Marketing

Real Estate SMS Marketing


Unlock The Potential


The Basic Plus

$ 49
99 / Month
  • 1,000 Sending Credit
  • 10 Max contact list
  • 1,000 Max contacts
  • 100 sms per minute

More than Basic

$ 79
99 / Month
  • 2,000 Sending Credit
  • 20 Max contact list
  • 2,000 Max contacts
  • 100 sms per minute

The Boss Plan

$ 349
99 / Month
  • 10,000 Sending Credit
  • 50 Max contact list
  • 10,000 Max contacts
  • 1000 sms per hour

The Boss Plus

$ 449
99 / Month
  • 10,000 Sending Credit
  • 100 Max contact list
  • 10,000 Max contacts
  • 1000 sms per minute

Bicomm Corporate Plan (Unlimited)

/ Month
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • 1000 sms per minute


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